
這本畫冊是在ART HK 08場館內於Magical Artroom攤位當值的外國人送比我的,我同時也買了村瀨恭子的另一本畫冊《Jelly Morning》
晚上做了一個迷迷糊糊的夢,像以上村瀨恭子(Kyoko Murase)的畫,
" I am the forest and field's lover.
As I rustle ahead among the reeds,
a green epistle, shyly folded,
gets into my pocket,
and as I walk in the dark of the woods,
crescent - shaped lip marks
cover my elbow and pants."
Kenji Miyazawa, "Single Tree Field" Spring and Asura (1923.10.28)
謝謝S,替我找到Art HK 08 Catalogue PDF版本,這是最方便和最環保的版本。(^_^)