scan by K <---抵鍚 (^3(k_k) 請按圖放大, d字都好清楚下

sleep 說:actually,I still don't understand why the MV, and the whole event became news
k 說:我明點解會變news (因為香港人大驚小怪) 視線思想窄
sd 說:我都係
sleep 說:大驚小怪<--- umm
sd 說:奇奇怪怪 , 拍野黎玩下, 又話藝術又話乜色情又女權...其實乜都唔係
k 說:仲要唔係"兩點"拎出黎晒喇喎已經
sleep 說:people may think HK is just like Iran, if they read the news
sd 說:hahaha 呢個社會充滿左虛偽