Wednesday, 27 May 2009

廖雁寧LIU NGAN LING:關於展覽 Introduction

pic from wikipedia: The Birth of Venus is a painting by Sandro Botticelli.
photo by Ronald Tam 20090508, Wan Chai







Her Story

Since childhood, she was confused by the taboos and different portrayals of the female sex– Dad told her not to be a cry baby; her primary school teacher confiscated “forbidden” books showing female naked bodies; the biology teacher evaded chapters with illustrations of the genitals; the reverend sisters reaffirmed the brutality of abortion; later came the influence of beautiful girl images in romance comics and various literature... Along her blooming years, her body image was mirrored in different roles. Though never fond of her own body, her curiosity about her own self and sexuality never subsided.

After she grew up, she was inspired by her close friends who changed her concept about the body, and she came face to face with her naked self. She started to take nude pictures of herself and shared her thoughts on the body and the self with students in her mother school.

Through telling her story, she wants to bring others to unveil their bodies and confront their selves, leaving behind rules and taboos.

Breathe with your own body; caress its harmony and imperfection, and savor the joy and desire, the calmness and emotions. The body is a pearl born of mother nature.