Wednesday 22 August 2012

Carla Chan's video installation

my pleasure to be part of your works, dear director, Carla Chan

Exhibition by Hong Kong Young Artist

Carla Chan, Chloe Cheuk, Chong Wai, Jasper Fung & Iriz Yuen

Opening reception with the artists 
17th August, 2012 (Friday) 6:30 - 8:30 pm at 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Central
Guided tours by the artists begin from 5pm
canapé and summer drinks will be served

Discordia is the first part of a series of exhibitions and programs organized by 10 Chancery Lane Gallery in its HKFOREWORD series, launched in order to support the development of contemporary art in Hong Kong. The exhibition will showcase our selection of works by five young Hong Kong artists, evolving around contexts that look into the rhythm and dynamics, intimacy and tension of order and disorder in various aspects of life. The combination of these rythmic works create a certain tension of harmony and disharmony with a magnetic curiosity.
Exhibition runs until 1 Sep, 2012.

“亂中之序”是香港10 Chancery Lane Gallery 為推動本港當代藝術發展而策劃的展覽系列“香港起動”(HKFOREWORD) 的序章。五位年輕香港藝術家將透過多媒體創作,把生活中被忽略的節奏重新演繹。他們以敏銳的觸覺,細膩捕捉那微妙的平衡美感,在咫尺間隔著看不見的屏障,在和諧中找到不協調。亂中有序的對抗張力在展廳裡隨著小提琴的碰撞交響樂而伸向無窮。