Tuesday, 16 July 2013

should i go to Cuba ALONE? 係咪我應該一個人照去古巴

雖然感得有點驚,但係機乎所有朋友都咁忙或者無$無假無時間,我覺得自己好好好幸福($唔多啦當然),係咪我應該一個人照去古巴,如果可以去埋南美就 perfect,強力徵求朋友同去。

A little bit scared to go to Cuba alone, still no one had time/$/holiday to join me, which make me feel that i m a lucky person though i only had very limited budget. Should i go there ALONE? it would be perfect if i can go to South America too! Anyone wanna JOIN ? come!

暫時仲係無旅行的相片可 post,因為上機前帶漏 SD card, 昨天買到了回家打算 post 相,才發現沒有帶 card reader... 我第一次覺得應該有一部 smart phone T_T...

There was no update pic of my trip yet, I left my SD card in HK, brought a new one and wanna post photos yesterday, there was no card reader here...T_T... this was the first time I wanted to have a smart phone.