Thursday 29 August 2013


很想在 Montreal 多留一個月,等到有人收留我時,我已經買了機票到巴黎。(((想念柏林,但到柏林的機票實在太貴了,只能有到巴黎的最便宜。)))

T 說不喜歡巴黎。F 說他來自巴黎。J 聽說我要到巴黎時眼睛發亮。C said "All artists lived in Paris in 50 years ago, because that was cheap. Now it's looked like a Disneyland. I don't like it."

到步後先到 A 住所取門匙,我說我從 Quebec 來到這裡。她溫和地說:The people there speak French with the strange accent. 我說:Everybody speak French, i may need to learn soon.
