- poetry -
The second hand bookshop BOKIN owner:
"I went to Reykjavík at 1967, there were 11 second hand bookshops in town at that time, only my shop left here now. I felt so sad to tell you this.
"After 1996, less people read books, people were crazily collecting money. I was gald that more people read again recently. However, it was more difficult to find the old books. The poetry of Guðmundur Daníelsson which you were searching, were out of printed for many years. You might find them in the flea market in the weekend.
"I was from the North Iceland.
"The four poetry you chose, three of the poets, Guðmundur Friðjónsson, Jakob Jóh. Smári and E. H. Kvaran considered to be out-dated now. Böðvar Guðmundsson was still alive who lived in Denmark, whose poetry I would recommended.
"Guðmundur Friðjónsson was farmer for his whole life, his poetry was very popular during 1900-1940. He wrote many poetry in his life.
"Jakob Jóh. Smári was an Icelandic language teacher, he did not written many books but what he wrote here should be good.
"E. H. Kvaran was a psychic.
"So you would had a rough idea of what they were."
Me: "Thank you very much. All the books were well printed with nice paper. I loved them"
BOKIN owner: "You were collecting the poetry from the would. Good. I would like to offere some of the poetry free for you, I was happy about the Icelandic poetry to be read in China. And I also had a book of LOA-TSE in Icelandic here."
Writing a draft with Merle's type-writer
- music, my sketch book -
The concert "Rozhdestvensky returns" by was great tonight! Almost full house, we stood up and kept clapping after the concert.
Thank you for N's ticket. I had a excited night and could not sleep till 3.30am now!
I loved the Piano Concerto by Viktoria Postnikova very much, her tone was so touching. The last song "Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony no. 10" moved me and stopped my drawing some time!