Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Volunteering REPORT: 4th lesson

(((Looking for HK$1000(100 euro) donation for art material for the kids and HK$4000 (400 euro) for my cost of staying in the children's home for 2 months. Thank you. ^_^)))

Art craft play group with all the kids in Saturday.

10 of my students were the little teachers for the kids, they made masks and run around with the masks in the weekend. Hope my students can carry on leading others to do something creative and fun sooner without me.

ps. When you google "volunteer" and "Nepal", you find tones of information, being a volunteer in developing countries is a tourist activity now, which irritate me to be a volunteer in the beginning, I find it worth to do later when that i learn things from my students in the lessons, we are exchanging the feeling and helping each other to discover new ideas. We feel great that we are sharing art together.