Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Booked: Tai Kwun Contemporary's Hong Kong Art Book Fair
Booked: Tai Kwun Contemporary's Hong Kong Art Book Fair
日期 Date:
11.01.2019 (Fri) 1 pm – 9 pm
12.01.2019 (Sat) 11 am – 9 pm
13.01.2019 (Sun) 11 am – 7 pm
地點 Venue:賽馬會藝方 JC Contemporary, Tai Kwun Contemporary 大館當代美術館
門票 Tickets:HKD 20元/ HKD 10元(學生/長者或小童 students, seniors or children)
Tickets are limited, get your tickets now:
作爲地區與全球首個嶄新藝術活動,首屆 Booked: 大館當代美術館 香港藝術書展 將前所未地為大家帶來超過60個香港出版單位與藝術家,分享其透過書籍作爲媒介的藝術作品。書展將於2019年1月11-13日於賽馬會藝方舉行。 此爲期三天的年度性活動旨在為出版商與藝術家締造平台,展示多元化的創作,包括攝影藝術相集,藝術歷史與理論著作,以至獨立雜誌和以書籍作為藝術創作媒介的藝術家書籍等。届時更會有大規模的講座、論壇、工作坊、表演及其他特備節目。
The inaugural “Booked: Tai Kwun Contemporary's Hong Kong Art Book Fair” brings together over 60 art book publishers, artists and exhibitors from Hong Kong, the region and the world for the first time, to share their work in publishing and art through the medium of books. The art book fair takes place from 11 to 13 January 2019 within the JC Contemporary building at Tai Kwun. This three-day annual event aspires to create a platform for art book publishers and artists to display their range of works, from photography books, art albums, art historical and theoretical texts, to zines, and objects of art known as artists’ books. This art book fair also offers an extensive public programme of talks, book launches, workshops, performances and special projects.
[參展單位 Exhibitors]
Absurd TRAX (香港 Hong Kong)
艺鵠 ACO Books (香港 Hong Kong)
artbooks.ph (曼達盧永市 Mandaluyong City)
Art Metropole (多倫多 Toronto)
亞洲藝術文獻庫 Asia Art Archive (香港 Hong Kong)
宏亞出版 Asia One | Thames & Hudson (香港 Hong Kong)
香蕉魚書店 BANANAFISH BOOKS (上海 Shanghai)
BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE / Elgarafi (柏林 Berlin)
Book Society (首爾 Seoul)
brownie publishing (香港 Hong Kong)
Case Publishing (東京 Tokyo)
陳偉江 Chan Wai Kwong (香港 Hong Kong)
張婥伶 Blythe Cheung (香港 Hong Kong)
周生 Chow San (香港 Hong Kong)
共展桌 Communal Table (國際 International)
David Zwirner Books (紐約 New York)
方言社 Dialect (澳門 Macau)
dmp editions (台北 Taipei)
Dolphins (香港 Hong Kong)
夢廠 Dreamer FTY + abC (art book in China) 藝術書展 Art Book Fair (北京 Beijing)
ECU Press / READ Books (溫哥華 Vancouver)
Empty Gallery (香港 Hong Kong)
Fillip (溫哥華 Vancouver)
方琛宇 Silas Fong (香港 Hong Kong)
Foto Féminas (香港 Hong Kong)
Fully Booked (杜拜 Dubai)
漢雅軒 Hanart TZ Gallery (香港 Hong Kong)
Hardworking Goodlooking (熱帶移民 Tropical Diaspora)
HATO Press (倫敦 London)
假雜誌 Jiazazhi (寧波 Ningbo)
Kubrick (香港 Hong Kong)
Lubok Verlag (萊比錫 Leipzig)
MAP Office / MAP Book Publishers (香港 Hong Kong)
MCCM Creations (香港 Hong Kong)
小本出版 mini press (香港 Hong Kong)
MOSSES (香港 Hong Kong)
Motto (柏林 Berlin)
New Documents (洛杉磯 Los Angeles)
Nieves (蘇黎世 Zurich)
onestar / Three Star (巴黎 Paris)
Onion Peterman (香港 Hong Kong)
Para Site藝術空間 Para Site (香港 Hong Kong)
貝浩登(香港)畫廊 PERROTIN (香港 Hong Kong)
乒乓繪本 Ping Pong (香港 Hong Kong)
Primary Information (紐約 New York)
Printed Matter (紐約 New York)
流動閱酷 Queer Reads Library (香港 Hong Kong)
ROMA Publications (阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam)
RONDADE (東京 Tokyo)
Russian Independent SelfPublished (莫斯科 Moscow)
The Salt Yard (香港 Hong Kong)
寫寫者 shashasha (東京 Tokyo)
這個店 the shop (廣州 Guangzhou)
Soft D Press (香港 Hong Kong)
聲音掏腰包 soundpocket (香港 Hong Kong)
Sternberg Press (柏林 Berlin)
TASCHEN (香港 Hong Kong)
三影堂攝影藝術中心 Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (北京 Beijing)
Triple Canopy (紐約 New York)
Zen Foto (東京 Tokyo)
小集誌 Zine Coop (香港 Hong Kong)
[陳列展示 Displays & 特備節目 Special Projects]
陳列展示 Displays:
藝術書袋 Art Booked Bag, 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 Cover to Cover: Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University(香港 Hong Kong), 一堆語言(之光) Heap of Language (in Light): Iftikhar Dadi & Elizabeth Dadi, 高倩彤 Ko Sin Tung, João Vasco Paiva, Gabriel Rico(香港 Hong Kong), 由70年代說起… Let’s take it back to the '70s…, 吳小盈 Ranee Ng Sio-ieng (香港 Hong Kong)
特備節目 Projects:
聽者言 say, Listen, 聲音掏腰包 soundpocket (香港 Hong Kong); 「床下底」:曾經爭取 Under the Bed: The Past Fights, C&G 藝術單位 C&G Artpartment (香港 Hong Kong)
[雜誌攤 Art Magazine Station]
亞太藝術 ArtAsiaPacific
藝術論壇 Artforum / Artforum China
藝源 Artomity
字花 Fleurs des Lettres
Kaleidoscope / Kaleidoscope Asia
燃點 Ran Dian
白木耳 White Fungus
藝術 Yishu
[討論及表演 Talks and Performances]
2019年1月11日星期五Friday 11 January 2019
持續的表演Ongoing Performance: 市場調查Market Research
Display Distribute
8 – 9 PM
開幕表演 Opening Performance
The Great △ (大城真 / 川口貴大 / 矢代諭史 Makoto Oshiro / Takahiro Kawaguchi / Satoshi Yashiro)
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
2019年1月12 日星期六Saturday 12 January 2019
10 AM – 12 PM
「海盜」深度聆聽 Pirate Deep Listening (須要特別登記special registration required for early entry)
Clara Balaguer (Hardworking Goodlooking)
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
1 – 2 PM
演講 Talk: Max Schumann (Printed Matter)
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
2 – 3 PM
書展為平台: 各地藝術書展討論Fair Trade: Art Book Fairs around the World
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
3:30 – 4:30 PM
亞洲自發出版討論Self-Publishing in Asia
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
4 – 5 PM
新書發佈 Book Launch: 乒乓繪本Ping Pong
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
5 – 6 PM
表演講座Lecture Performance: 在空氣中折曲,再一次Bending the air, again
Cédric Maridet
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
5 – 7 PM
書籍裝幀工作坊 Book-Binding Workshop (須要登記registration required)
蘇柏姿Percy So
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
6 – 7 PM
新書發佈 Book Launch: Tomato Grey
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
7 – 8 PM
表演講座Lecture Performance: 流行歌曲工廠外Outside the Hit Factory by Alexander Provan (Triple Canopy)
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
8 – 9 PM
音樂表演Music Performance: Absurd TRAX (Hong Kong)
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
登記registration: booked@taikwun.hk
2019年1月13日星期日 Sunday 13 January 2019
11 AM – 1 PM
書籍裝幀工作坊 Book-Binding Workshop (須要登記registration required)
蘇柏姿 Percy So
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
12 – 1 PM
紙喇叭: 聲音及文字的傳播策略Loudspeaking: Dissemination Tactics of Sounds and Texts
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
1 – 2 PM
新書發佈Book Launch: Boy Vereecken
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
2 – 3 PM
表演講座Lecture Performance: De-Romanticising Self-Reliance 反浪漫之獨立自主主義
Hardworking Goodlooking
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
3 – 4 PM
對談 Conversation: onestar / Three Star with John Tain (Asia Art Archive)
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
4 – 5 PM
表演Performance: OF81
張婥伶Blythe Cheung
3/F 沙龍區Lounge Area
5 – 6 PM
Ephemera, at the Edge
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
6 – 7 PM
演講Talk: The Serving Library: 從時間至翻譯The Serving Library: From Time to Translation
設有同聲傳譯 with simultaneous interpretation
3/F 表演講座區 Talks and Performances Area
9 – 11PM
音樂表演 Closing Music Performances
DJ Freckles
DJ username
at Behind Bars, Tai Kwun
登記registration: booked@taikwun.hk
* 以上資料將有機會更改 List information and subject to change
Special thanks to all participating artists, publishers, galleries, art institutions, bookstores, speakers and contributors, and Eaton Hong Kong.
貼紙繪圖Sticker Illustration: @Dolphins
藝術指導與設計 Art Direction & Design: Boy Vereecken and AntoineBegon
建築 Architecture: BEAU 建築師 BEAU Architects
Please see the link below for more information:
Soft D Press