Monday, 22 December 2008

用身體大喊 ~ 我支持 阿山&阿P ^_^



我開番個blog黎 發表番本黎我地既idea, 我支持永遠懷念塔可夫斯基 Forever Tarkovsky Club 何山 (PixelToy) + 阿p (my little airport) ^_^

在facebook 中己經在不停地討論的這件事,其他人的意見可以去呢個link:
newspaper clipping

關於這個porject 的idea 我節錄自我在那兒發表的文字:
Siu Ding at 6:12pm December 22

Siu Ding at 12:21am December 23
forward my msg
to Sam Lam, 也同時to 我的老師 Fung Tze




Vicky Leong at 4:40am December 24

Hey kids, I am totally for freedom of speech and stuff like that, and I am also a very good friend of Siu Ding's. I think there is nothing wrong with making a nude music video. But what Kim Leong was saying is very rational and reasonable (about the legal technicality of the event). Don't be too emotional and irrational in what you say and do just because the police are doing something about the incident.
Hong Kong is a very rigid society, and if we want to fight for our freedom, we have to be rational, knowledgeable, well-informed, and legally well-versed. Don't just say 'Fuck" or "Diu". The saddest thing is that why do you guys attack someone who is on your side, and who is commenting on the issue rationally.
Let's all stay calm, and see what we should do to fight the system, and not each other, especially people sharing the same ideas or ideals -- having a freer and a more open-minded Hong Kong.

Raphael Woo at 10:38am December 24

100% agree vicky's comment. 在這個地方要做dee有趣或者會另類dee0既野,先要學識點樣部署同點樣玩。識得玩可以攪到滿城風雨都仲可以置身事外。在這裡,太多人等著身邊有事發生而去做文章/搵油水/扮哂要做野/表演自己0既權力啦。
btw, 這次是一個好好0既經驗給攪手,下次要在這裡玩,需要多點的部署及計劃。