Monday, 10 August 2009

House Warming Party

星期日司機L 戴我們一起到C 和A 的新家,他們為我們搞了一個小小的暖屋派對。有幾個朋友因為事忙來不到,我們一共七人在C 和A 空空的新家裡呆了一會,黃昏時份決定到附近的沙灘走走再去吃晚飯。

我們沿著斜路往下走,S 發現對岸就是他另一個朋友的住宅位置便立刻致電給他,並在道上的柵欄前大動作地揮手,一邊說對岸的他一定可以看到他。

不久我們便走到一個細小的沙灘,灘上立著一個很大的深黃色牌子,黑色大字寫著驚告字句,大意是:此沙灘的水質已受污染,不能下水。救生員的服務也停止了。天空上的灰色厚雲擋著晚霞的色彩,灰綠色的污濁海浪一個接一個衝上來,我們看著海逗留了一會,L 和S 抽了一根煙。沙灘上的沙很粗糙,許多細小的貝殼夾雜在其中,A 提著鞋赤腳走在沙上走,說感覺還滿舒服的,但我卻不敢脫鞋,怕戒到腳會痛。

晚飯是咖喱大餐,大家要了一點點啤酒,C 教大家在啤酒內加話梅的「台灣飲啤酒style」完全不受歡迎(XD哈哈,幸好我只試了一啖)。之後我們回到屋裡,set 好hifi,放著C 的黑膠碟和L 的自選雜錦,調暗了屋內的燈光,開了紅酒,我們或躺或坐地邊喝邊談。接著再開了一支名叫「雨後之月」的米酒,是A 買來的,不用把酒溫熱其氣味已很清香,入口細滑,淡淡的米香加上微微的甜,大家都好喜歡這瓶淡米酒。

屋外的夜景裡有一條長長的行車橋,旁邊是一大座亮著的屏風樓群,燈光映入這個柔和的飲飲飲暖屋派對,我在窗台上順手拿到一本Banksy - WALL & PIECE,看著他寫的一段文字覺得頗感動,這是我第一次對Keith Haring 以外畫graffiti 的人產生興趣。

“Graffiti is not the lowest form of art. Despite having to creep about at night and lie to your mum it’s actually the most honest artform available. There is no elitism or hype, it exhibits on some of the best walls a town has to offer, and nobody is put off by the price of admission…The people who run our cities don’t understand graffiti because they think nothing has the right to exist unless it makes a profit. But if you just value money then your opinion is worthless. They say graffiti frightens people and is symbolic of the decline in society, but graffiti is only dangerous in the mind of three types of people; politicians, advertising executives, and graffiti writers….The people who truly deface our neighbourhoods are the companies that scrawl their giant slogans acros buildings and buses trying to make us feel inadequate unless we buy their stuff. They expect to be able to shout their message in your face from every avaliable surface but you’re never allowd to answer back. Well, they startred this fight and the wall is the weapon of choice to hit them back. Some people beome cops because they want to make the world a better place. Some people become vandals because they want to make the world a better looking place.”