photo by Lee Wing Sum, Chan Wai Kwong, Ada Hung
《變態森林 日記》之
day 0:無聊星期天 boring sundayday 1:懶惰假期 lazy holiday
day 2:吃飽、遊蕩、吃飽、遊蕩 hang out
day 3:在46度的炎夏來臨前變成燒豬 future hot summer
day 4:石頭、剪刀和布,喜歡我吧~ stone, scissors and paper, love me, please
day 5:愛出風頭的暗沉磨菇 obtrusive mushroom
day 6:藍鷺白鷺下波求雨舞 pray for the rain
day 7:眼淚河上浸豬油 pig oil flow on the tears rivers