Friday, 14 February 2014

Volunteering REPORT: 4th week lesson, learning from the master

(((努力寫作中,每天停電12小時,使用電腦時間分分秒秒要省電。試著先寫在紙上,但還是要打在電腦裡,習慣了在電腦寫作,手寫總覺是阻手阻腳修改不了。昨天半夜開始供電,第一次在 Nepal 寫作到半夜三點半,然後太累睡著了。現在爭取時間在早上九時前充足電來續寫。)))

ितमीहरू राम्रा छैा ।
Timi haru ramra chhau.
( You are beautiful.)

4th week lesson, learning from the master. 13 students at the beginning, 1 left for the clothing training, 10 younger students joined later for 2 new classes, 22 in total now.

This is a fine study on 4 of them, when they were drawing, I did the same. We shared the same concentration at the same time.