Wednesday, 18 November 2020


籌備2年多的活動終於出爐,算是鬆了一口氣。這段日子真是忙得剩下半條命,有時坐下來也不明白是甚麼力量未撐着我。兩年前2018年做第一次【體祭 Body Fest】對一切心懷希望,經過2019心情完全不同。這些時間無論做甚麼,有時就會想到那12個未能回家的人,但我又能為他們做甚麼呢?唉,無力感。 

生活下去,我回到我最關心的議題,裸體。朋友有時也覺得我很執着,老是提着裸體,但我總是覺得議題不進則退,終於堅持讓《我們的模特兒Our Models》計劃辦成展出,而且希望明年能把這2年內同時進行的另一個攝影計劃推出。明知道自己是小眾中的小眾,但還是希望把意念以展出及書本出版來完成。不善於申請經費的我,仍是努力工作來自掏腰包,事實上朋友說我笨,因為有不少申請經費的途經,雖然未必成功,但應該一試。不過2年多來不斷在做不同的計劃,基本上忘記申請經費這件事,到展期將到才意識到又回到自資的原點上,本來今次對自己說好是要學習去申請資助的說。。。。。。。(這是命運)

 (Scroll down for English) 
【體祭 Body Fest】╳【Studio細細聲】 
我們的模特兒Our Models 
費用:  全免 
地址:  灣仔軒尼詩道365-367號富德樓10樓 
場地贊助:艺鵠 Art and Culture Outreach 

參展模特兒 Participating Models: Ah Lok / 阿怡 Ah Yee / Albert / Carol / Chris / Denise / 小豬 Haruyuki / Kathy / Lesshunter / Nujande / Serene / 小風 Siu Fung / 華仔 Wah Lee 參展畫家 Participating Painters: Affa Chan / 阿棉 Ah Min / Ans. C / Cha Cha Chan / Chan Kung Chun / Carmen Wong / Evelyn T.H.LAM / Fung Kin Fan / Harvey Chan / Joshua Foo / Lokit / Lange Wong / Ma Yiuleung / Maggie Wonghoyee / 羅家洋 Mark Law / Po Ming / Simon Kwan / Vedis Chan / 慧惠 Wai Wai / Xeda Or

Our Models Date: 10 Dec 2020 to 3 Jan 2021 
Time: 12.30-9pm 
Free admission 
Address: 10/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai 
Curator: Siu Ding 

When it comes to life drawing, the public only confines itself to the so-called "beauty" of standard models and ignores the different body shapes around us. In this year's【Body Fest】, 20 painters and 13 models including pregnant women, mothers and babies, transgender people and people with disabilities were invited to jointly present a broader concept of body aesthetics. Over the past two years, painters have captured the characteristics and beauty of different models, presenting a visual dialogue with the bodies. This exhibition also includes the interviews of the models, sharing their views on their bodies and experiences during the paintings: self-discovery, self-confidence from body to mind, reducing self-hatred and anxiety, breaking through age boundaries and embracing gender diversity. With that many different bodies, this project presents a creative challenge to help the public understand the works of life models and our perception of nudity. 【Body Fest】continues to believe that "everybody is beautiful". Join Body Fest. See it. Every body is awesome.