Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Live Performance "我見到佢⋯⋯"

A Live Performance "我見到佢⋯⋯" 
A Live Performance (1hr) + Artists sharing (30mins Q&A) 
by Hong Kong Life Model Club (HKLMC) 
Performed by 4 life models, we will explore our bodily history, destiny, and gaze. In collaboration with 2 live musicians and 1 visual jockey, we would like to stimulate all our senses on this live performance.   Nude performance. 18+ only.  
Performers 演出者: Nujande, Michael Chan, Siuding, Wah Lee 
Musicians 樂手: Nelson (double bass), Brian (saxophone) 
Video Jockey: Gaze [Nick Teeple]

Address 地點: Kowloon 九龍區 
PM after confirmation (私訊通知) 
Date/Time 日期時間: 
2/16, Thursday (星期四), 8.30-10pm 
Suggested Donation 建議捐款:HKD$420 up /person 
(Limited seats, PayMe or FPS only. 名額有限,登記後請以PAYME 或 FPS 過數) 
《我見到佢⋯⋯》 演出(1小時)+ 演後分享(30分鐘QnA) 
是次演出由4位人體模特兒作自我探索,帶出身體歷史、身體命運、如何觀看身體等。配合現場樂手和Viusal Jockey的影像,展現影像和音樂與身體的融合。 
節目含祼露成份,觀眾須年滿18歲或以上才能觀看 私人節目,不准錄影及拍攝