Tuesday, 30 March 2010

《MILK+!》有感 by Charles Au

by Charles Au




吃到底了,喊一句 “噢…這麼快就吃完嚕!” ,就草草的把整個三角小錐都拋進口中,享受那最後的快樂,也迎接那虛空的失落。


在沉溺於milk gen和lover body兩個角色的同時,也不自覺被一種外力拉扯著,


================ Comment from Facebook=================

Siu Ding
只欠陽具、陰蒂、精液和愛液:高潮。 <===這些東東大家也有, 但是沒有"展示"出來, 其實我不介意展示, 過全場沒有人全裸的, 半裸的女仔也得我一個, 全裸的話好像會變得很奇怪. 陽具 算是有幾個玩具代替吧 你似乎相當滿意這個演出啊. 的確你演的很投入和出色, 我卻因為那些 sticky 的milk不能投入, 不能投入的感覺拖長了表演時間, 感覺越來越長..>_<.. 實際我的演出很失敗啊 ...T_T.... Charles Au
stickiness竟然是妳的死穴 :p

Ansona Ching

Siu Ding
真的... 可能我始終不能投入 @_@ 一想到那些 好sticky的東東就毛管涷 >_< 真的陽具、陰蒂、精液和愛液啦 <===其實係有的, 不過無"露" 同埋無 "飛" 出來吧 XD 咁係咪你覺得唔激, 想要真的 ? :P Rim Young
作為一位觀眾,系度發表一D個人觀感:大體黎講,個Show系成功的。若一定要講有何欠缺,我覺得系一些演員少咗 D PASSION (當然大家都系業餘演員,無可能要求太高,而且Director也無明確o既指示,因此好難達到完美)。反而是否全裸唔系咁重要。系度要讚下Charles、灝仔同Natalie,你地表現出足夠o既 PASSION,讓平時連影相都有D唔自然o既我都蠢蠢欲動,想參與表演!都幾欣賞系地上碌黎碌去果個鬼妹(食齋果位),不過好多時間佢都系度自己錄黎碌去,好似演獨腳戲,欠咗個對手配合!------- 無論如何,我好Enjoy,多謝各位演員為我留下一個難忘的晚上!

Cheuk Ho Yin
thx for your compliment Raymond. special thx to Natalie for gladly taking every action I did to any part of her body. and I love the ending that Charles created for the whole show. that was just perfect!
17 hours ago · ReportCharles Au re Rim:
thank you for the praises.
you should have joined our performance as an actor!! :P

re Ho jai:haha impulse drove me to do so.
the magic of improvisation.
i love your sm lol

Siu Ding
我就是欠缺 passion 的演員 >_<, 其實 stickiness 不應成為借口, 事後我向 導演和 Katrien 說對不起, 她們說不要緊, 所有事情永遠也"可以更好" 但到現在我還未理清這個表演對我的真正意義是甚麼. Cheuk Ho Yin
yes, Siu Ding, apparently you were performing naked, but you had no passion inside you. I couldn't interact with you very much tho you "looked" hot, and it's only something on the surface. it's a pity.

"到現在我還未理清這個表演對我的真正意義是甚麼" me too, not too clear. but I am very clear that I am a performer, and I will always be into it.

Venus Weier Tjang
Same here, Siu Ding. I have absolutely no idea what that meant to me. I mean of course I don't regret having done it, it's nice to have met all of you, but to be very honest, a lot of things were missing in there. A show like that required a lot of energy, a lot of suspense, a lot of indulgence. Charles, you, Justin and perhaps Sofie too were very comfortable with your body movements and could portray the mood very well. As for myself, when the audience wasn't at all wiling to cooperate, when the "Gagdets" used to arrest people were completely failing on me, when the entire place became so sticky and dirty (I somehow really didn't anticipate that), it just created a very chaotic environment for me and I simply couldn't concentrate on the performance. I guess improvisation is when you really understand and, as an actor, you really enjoy becoming that other person. I can only say that I didn't quite FULLY enjoy the experience because there were many unexpected and unknown things (not the interaction of the actors, that's entailed in "improvisation"). I think it's better if we had done this kind of improvisation just among us actors instead of with the audience, given the nature of the plot and the fucking annoying dead audience. I hate it how they all came here because they clearly were curious about sex, but they were afraid to admit to it and be portrayed as one of those "perverts" even within that same space where everybody's in the same boat ANY WAY.

Siu Ding
是啊, 我也同意你的講法.
我的問題是, 我不明白的話, 不能演下去, 所以我沒有成為真正的演員. 我總是把"自己" 看得太重要 :p 不過不試過還是不知道自己真的不行, 現在試過了便知道有很多弱點.


Venus Weier Tjang
Yea, she's the only surviving, working agent...lol. I gave up after seeing the shitty audience. I hate to force people to do things they don't like, I made a mistake to have chosen that role in the first place when I was suggested to be a lover girl.

Siu Ding
我又覺得未必完全是觀眾的錯. 整個環境連你也會討厭的同事很難說服別人參與.
而且他們事前為了 (任何) 好奇而來並不稀奇, 只是如果去誘使他們展現他們的好奇是重要.
在沒有說明他們可以做甚麼之下, 他們很被動也很合理... ... See more

不過可能導演是不是特別想在沒說明之下看看觀眾會做甚麼, 也有可能.

Siu Ding
我也覺得如果地方干淨些, 而只有我們幾個演員參與, 這個 演出 可能完全不同. ^_^

Venus Weier Tjang
hahahaha, yea, that too. I do understand that there are simply too many unknowns for less carefree people, actors/audience, to feel comfortable. and sadly, I'm harldly experienced enough to get into the mood. But either way, our collective effort was commendable!

Siu Ding
對啊, 就算表現得不專業, 也沒有演員中途離場 <=== 雖然是最壞的情況 :P 而且想辦法讓自己渡過. Ho yin, 多謝你那天會覺得我裸露是"表面上的 hot" :P ... See more 其實我覺得自己裸體經常也不 hot 的, 可能是觀者的感覺不同. 和 justin , Charles, Venus, Ansona 等互動的時候, 有些時刻是非常咸濕的, 當時有想過不如忘了正在演的戲去"攪" 他/她們算了, 不過一見到雙手黑晒的鍊奶, 我又無mood 了 :P Venus Weier Tjang
HAHAHAHAHA I KNOW I KNOW! Yea I was like fuck this let's just DO it! But i don't suppose we can caress/touch very sensually with all that sticky shit.

Siu Ding
有 d 似 《時光倒流七十年》的男主角, 羅左個coins 出來後, 返回現實 :P

Charles Au
haha you know what Justin told me that we boys were prohibited to erect. Maybe that sticky thing was to stop us caressing sensually each other lol

Siu Ding
可能導演特登要有個 sticky shit 去阻我地的演出變成 另類情愛派對 XD hahahaa ~

boys were prohibited to erect <==真的有這樣的規定 Charles Au

Siu Ding
ho, i dont know that, i think you guys are not willing to erect :P

Venus Weier Tjang
hahaha, so according to Justin, only you GUYS would get horny during the show. Girls wouldn't/couldn't show any sign of excitement that's why the stickiness wasn't exactly for us girls?

Charles Au
so that explains why when siuding was on me i simply had to shun and shun and shun zzz
to avoid erection :P

Siu Ding
hahah, but i think Justin may betray you by hidding his erection with the mask on his XXXX !

Cheuk Ho Yin
boys were prohibited to erect <== this is a law in HK, according to Isaac. an erected penis is not allowed to be shown in public places. Siu Ding
if the erected penis are covered by clothes lei ?

Cheuk Ho Yin
that should be ok.

Jan Cho
yes Charles, it's out of legality reason. Exposed erected penis will get everyone into real trouble. It's clearly written in the book, and no discretion in whatever premises.

Siu Ding
Exposed erected penis will get everyone into real trouble. <=== 原來咁嚴重嗎 :p Charles Au
Justin actually got his penis erected during the show.
he told me that after the show.
maybe you all didn't notice, but he did try to calm himself by leaning on the sidewall alone for 5 mins or so.



奶汁和精液(我在MILK+ 演出裏)上
待續:濕潤和污垢(我在MILK+ 演出裏)下

相關文章:《MILK+!》有感 by Charles Au
相關討論:MILK+ ( 我今晚的演出)